Monday, May 11, 2009

new blog

Hi everyone. its my pleasure to have this blog where you can share with me your suggestions for the project which Iam invoved in. you will be provided with more clearification.
wish me all the best.


  1. Hi again,
    I have designed this blog to exchnge with you suggestions and comments and to encourage your students to write their articals, stories or other topics. the best ones will be selected and selected and send to YOUTH OBSERVER which is sponsered by ministry of education

  2. the first thing i would like from you is that how can i get started?(the project of journalism in school) your suggestions, please. then you can post your students' work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great beginning Hilal!
    I would like to suggest that you and your students post journals about different topics and invite some students from others schools even from other countries to take part.

    My students will be glad to help.

    All the best in your creative ideas.

    Salim Al-Busaidi
    Osama Bin Zaid School

  5. Dear Salim,
    you have always been cheering and inspiring friend. this is what i am planning to acheive.

  6. Dear Hilal
    It is wonderful to see our teachers integrate technology in their teaching strategies to help their student be creative learner.
    Good work and go ahead

  7. dear Hilal

    I am proud to see such a creative thing like this blog from one of the Omani teachers. My suggestion is to involve some students from grade 10 basic because this topic is found in their books so it will be helpful for them as well as you.

    Abdullah Muftah Al-Regaibi
    Sheikh Majid School

  8. Dear Sulieman & Abdullah,
    thank you for posting and i hope this blog be a place where we can exchnge comments. Mr. Abdullah, all students are welcome to take part in this project.

  9. Hi Hilal

    I liked ur blog and the idea of posting acticles. U could get ur students write and post their work here and then get comments and feedback from other students to improve their work.

    All the best


  10. Good work brother and i'm going to tell my sudents to share thier works here if u don't mind
    all the best
    Huda AL-Mamarri

  11. Dear HUDA,
    thank you for passing. certainly your sts are welcome to take part in this project.therefore, they are going to enrich the newspaper.
